
Principal Shrines in the Holy Land

Principal Shrines in the Holy Land
Principal Shrines in the Holy Land
Jerusalem Bethphage (OFM)
  Cenacle (OFM)
  Dominus Flevit (OFM)
  Dormition (Benedictines)
Ecce Homo (Sisters of Sion-Chemin Neuf)
  Flagellation (OFM)
  Gethsemane (OFM)
  Holy Sepulcher (OFM)
  Pater Noster / Our Father  (Carmelite Nuns)
  St. Anne (Missionaries of Africa)
  St. Peter in Gallicantu (Assumptionists)
  St. Stephen / St. Etienne (Dominicans)
  3rd and 4th Stations (Armenian Catholics)
  5th & 7th Stations (OFM)
  6th Station (Melkites)
Abu Gosh Emmaus of the Crusaders (Benedictines)
Beit Sahour Shepherds’ Field (OFM)
Bethany  St. Lazarus (OFM)
Bethlehem Milk Grotto (OFM)
  Nativity (OFM)
Cana First Miracle (OFM)
Capernaum House of Peter (OFM)
Ein Karem Visitation (OFM)
  St. John in the Desert (OFM)
  St. John the Baptist (OFM)
Haifa Stella Maris (Carmelites)
Jordan River Place of the Baptism / Qasr al-Yahud (Israel Nature & Parks Authority / OFM)  
Latrun Amwas Emmaus Nicopolis (Betharram/Beatitudes)
Magdala Mary Magdalene’s Home Town. Duc in Altum Shrine (LC)
Madaba Mount Nebo  Memorial to Moses (OFM)
Tabgha Mount of Beatitudes Sermon on the Mount (Franciscan Sisters of IHM)
Muhraqa Sacrifice of Elijah (Carmelites)
Nazareth Annunciation (OFM)
  St. Joseph (OFM)
   Synagogue (Melkites)
Qubeibeh Emmaus Qubeibeh (OFM)
Ramleh St. Nicodemus (OFM)
Tabgha Multiplication of the Loaves (Benedictines)
  Primacy of Peter (OFM)
Tabor Transfiguration (OFM)
Taybeh House of Parables
Tiberias St. Peter (OFM/Koinonia Giovanni Battista)