
Domus Bethaniae Monastery

Domus Bethaniae Monastery

Diploma sulle origini cristiane (DOC), Diploma on Christian Origins 


The Domus Bethaniae is a monastery, entrusted to the Neocatechumenal Way, in which a study center is erected, recognized by the Vatican Dicastery for Education and Culture, promoted by the Pontifical Lateran University (PUL) and in agreement with the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. In this center the students experience an academic year of immersion in the Holy Land, recognized as a year of Licentiate studies in Sacred Theology (60 ECTS), to be continued at the PUL.


E-Sheikh Street, 16, Mount of Olives
POB 700460161 Jerusalem
Tel.: +972 2 6560640
Mail address: [email protected]
20 students (19 priests and 1 lay person)


Director: Fr. Francesco Giosuè VOLTAGGIO
Mobile:  +972 559912291
E-mail:  [email protected] 


Collaborator José David ALBEZA ASENCIO
Mob.: +972 524212442
E-mail:  [email protected] 


Collaborator Fr. Pierangelo PEDRETTI
Mob.: +39 3475726479
E-mail: [email protected] 


Spiritual Father:  Fr. Giampaolo (Pino) PRONZATO
Mob.:  +972 528487879
E-mail:  [email protected]