
Episcopal Commissions

Episcopal Commission for Pilgrimages  
President Rt. Rev. Francesco Patton, OFM
Assitant Sr. Elizabeth Choolparambil F.S.E.
Email [email protected]
Website www.aocts.org 
Episcopal Commission for Family and Laity  
President H.E. Msgr Rafiq Nahra
Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace
Founded on April 20, 1971, the Commission for Justice and Peace functions under the auspices of the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land as a Catholic resource, liaison, and animation center to further the social mission of the Church.
President H.E. Msgr. Yacoub Ephrem Semaan
Episcopal Commission for Inter-religious Dialogue  
President for Islam H.E. Msgr. William H. Shomali
President for Judaism Rt. Rev. Piotr Zelazko
Episcopal Commission for Ecumenical dialogue  
President Rev. Fr. Franz Bouwen, M.A.
Episcopal Committee for Consecrated Life  
President H.E. Msgr. Bruno Varriano OFM
Director Vacant
Email [email protected]         
Episcopal Committee for Youth’s pastoral activities  
 H.E. Msgr. Yacoub Ephrem Semaan
Episcopal Committee for Schools  
Coordinator for Israel H.E. Msgr. Youssef Matta
Coordinator for Jordan  
Coordinator for Palestine H.E. Msgr. William H. Shomali
National Offices for Catholic Schools  
Director for Jordan Rev. Fr. Ashraf Nimri
Director for Palestine Rev. Fr. Iacoub Rafidi
Director for Israel Sr. Manar
Legal Office  
Director Ms. Razan Kafiety Stiban
Safeguarding Office     
President H.B. Pierbattista Card. Pizzaballa
H.E. Msgr. Yacoub Ephrem Semaan (Vice President)
Mr. Anton Asfar (General Secretary)
H.E. Msgr. Jamal Daibes (Vice President)
Mr. Wael Suleiman (General Secrertary)
H.E. MsgrSelim Sfeir (President)
H.E. Msgr. Bruno Varriano (Vice President)
Elizabeth Kassinis (General Secretary)
Pontificie Opere Missionarie  
Representative of the Assembly for the Jubilee 2025
CCAO - Coordinating Catholic Aid Organizations in the Holy Land  
President H.B. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, O.F.M.
AOCTS - Liason  Fr. Marcelo Gallardo, IVE 
St. Yves      Mr. Raffoul Rofa
LPJ  Mr. Sami El-Yousef  
Bethlehem University  
Br. Joseph Curran
Maison d'Abraham
Mr. Bernard Thibaud 
Caritas Jerusalem    
Mr. Anton Asfar    
Caritas Baby Hospital
Mr. Issa Bandak    
Catholic Relief Services  
Mr. Michelle Ryan  
Secretariat for Solidarity 
Mr. Claudio Maina   
CTS Fr. Tony Choukry, OFM     
Ms. R Akroush
Pontifical Mission    
Mr. Joseph Hazboun          
St. Vincent de Paul
Mr. Elias Tams
Sinéad Martin

Episcopal Commissions