
Concern about acts of religious hatred and vandalism

Concern about acts of religious hatred and vandalism

Within one week, a protestant cemetery was vandalized in Jerusalem, one inscription מוות לנוצרים “Death to christians” was found in the Armenian Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem and the Maronite Christian Center in Ma’alot (Northern Israel), where the Lebanese faithful gather to pray, was attacked and vandalized by an unknown group of perpetrators.

We condemn such acts of destruction and all forms of physical and verbal aggression against any person or property because of the religion or belief. Especially when such attacks against human freedom are aimed at groups that seek to build a healthy society and pass on good values for future generations.

God is the judge of hearts. He sees and knows everything, even the secrets of all human being. We call on the authorities to find those responsible and bring them to justice in accordance with the law.