
Seminarium Theologicum Salesianum

Seminarium Theologicum Salesianum»

Saints Peter and Paul» - Ratisbonne

Founded in Bethlehem in 1929 as an international seminary, the SeminariumTheologicumSalesianum in the Holy Landwas successively transferred to Tantur (1949), to Cremisan (1957), and lately to the premises of the «Salesian Monastery Ratisbonne» in Jerusalem (2004) together with the StudiumTheologicumSalesianum (STS).

Rector     Rev. Jose Kochekunnel
mobile        053 38 15 225
email         [email protected] 
Mailing address P.O.B.  31771, 9131701 Jerusalem
Address 26 Rehov Shmuel Hanagid
Telephone    02 62 59 171