Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (SBF)
Established in 1924, the StudiumBiblicumFranciscanum (SBF) of Jerusalemis the Faculty of Biblical Sciences and Archaeology of the Pontifical «Antonianum» University in Rome. The SBF offers degree and non-degree programs of studies in biblical interpretation and in archaeology. Associated with the SBF is the Custody of the Holy Land’s School of Theology, the StudiumTheologicumJerosolymitanum (STJ: see the following section).
Address: |
Flagelation 4 Via Dolorosa
P.O.B. 19424 - 9119301 Jerusalem
Tel: |
(02) 627 04 44 (information)
(02) 627 04 85 (secretariat)
Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | |
Liber Annuus, Annual journal of studies and research. Publishes biblical, linguistic and archaeological studies. It also includes preliminary reports on the excavationsconducted by the professors of the SBF and their collaborators
CollectioMaior, Final reports on archaeological excavations, historical-archaeological monographs, and miscellaneous works on biblical, patristic and archaeological studies.
Collectio Minor, Archaeological excavations, monuments and texts of early Christianity in the Middle East.
Analecta, Exegetical and patristic research, texts for studying biblical languages.
Museum, Monographs and studies concerning the SBF Museum.
Guides, Illustrations of archaeological sites.
Administration: | |
Chancellor: | Most Rev. Massimo Fusarelli, OFM |
Rector: | Rev. Agustín Hernández Vidales, OFM |
Dean: | Rev. Rosario Pierri, OFM |
Secretary: |
Elisa Chiorrini |