We, the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land recognize the calling of the Catholic Church to uphold each person's right to a life of dignity free from harm, giving concrete witness of faith in Christ though our shared responsibility of ensuring the protection of all the children of God, particularly the protection of minors and vulnerable adults.
We hereby present the new Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct approved by the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land. This document will apply to all Catholic Congregations and Institutions and will serve as comprehensive and clear guidelines for the effective implementation of these policies. The Church, and all its members aim to continuing their duty of protecting the smallest and defenseless by taking the necessary precautions to prevent harm and sustain a safe environment free from hostiHty, intimidation, neglect, exploitation, bullying, harassment, and abuse of any kind whether verbal .or physical; thus, making the Church a safer place.
This document will help our Christian community with light and hope strengthening the Safeguarding principle and contributing to creating a community where all members live in dignity as they are created in the image and likeness of God, as they all share the common duty to safeguard all individuals especially children and those at risk.
The Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct approved by the Assembly should be the basis and reference point for the codes of conduct of all Catholic institutions in the Holy Land. Each institution should specify the particular policies according to its own reality.
All Catholic Congregations and Institutions are encouraged to contact the Safeguarding Office of the Assembly for any assistance, consultation or inquiries relating to Safeguarding matters.